
New Research Indicates Stress Can Have a Powerful Impact on Your Perceptions of Your Romantic Partner
Posted on January 11th, 2023

A new daily diary study of 79 newlywed couples found that individuals who experienced more stressful life events were especially attuned to day-to-day changes in their partner’s negative behaviors, but not their partner’s positive beh…

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Kindness Matters More Than You Think
Posted on January 11th, 2023

New research shows we underestimate the impact of small acts of kindness.


  • Kindness has positive, pro-social benefits for givers and receivers.
  • A study demonstrated how people underestimate the impact of their kind gestures.
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"There is Magic on the Other Side of Fear"

Are you ready to leave fear behind and live the magic life you deserve? Let Nikki help you achieve your dreams and be your best self!